
Hello, you look nice today. I’m a lawyer originally from Christchurch, New Zealand. I hoard Chrome tabs; take photos; and blog about politics, privacy, and the internet, among other things. The category list and tag cloud in the sidebar should give you a good idea of what I’m interested in.

Does it seem like we’d be a good fit to work together (job offers, advertising, media comment), or maybe you just want to say hi? Contact details are over here.


Schools under fire, Abbie Napier, Christchurch Mail (print), March 2012

Same sex ball query gets blanks, Kate Shuttleworth, NZ Herald/Herald on Sunday (online and print), March 2012

Many schools refuse to answer ball query, GayNZ.com, March 2012

NZ government looks into ignored same-sex ball query, Derek Yiu, Gay Star News, March 2012

Kids and cellphones: what you need to know, Mary Fetzer, SheKnows, August 2011

Round Two: Canterbury Shakes Again (pdf), Hugh De Lacy, Contractor Magazine (print), April 2011, with photography by me

Contractor Magazine April 2011 Cantebury Earthquake Article
Rural Deals/Rural Trader’s Canterbury Earthquake Appeal, March 2011, with photography by me

Rural Deals Rural Trader Canterbury Earthquake Appeal

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Twitter | @MattTaylor
LinkedIn | MatthewTaylorNewZealand


The content on this blog is of a personal and general nature and should not be relied upon instead of seeking professional legal, financial, or other appropriate advice.

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